victory, schweet victory

yeah! a div raffles rugby won gold! mann seriously, i can’t even describe the happiness that i felt (and am still feeling). it was super surreal, and i felt like i was high on drugs or something. all i wish for was to be in their shoes too for our season, but it’s already too late to say that. ahh frick that. there’s always next year.

but when there’s good news, there’s always bad news too.

i failed my maths cct. i was shocked. totally shocked.

but i probably had that coming, coz i barely studied for that test in the first place. dayumm

physics was not bad, but i was expecting a 4, so. hopefully i’ll pull up my grade soon.

and tomorrow is open house. ugh another whole day spent in school. what’s new pussycat

lately i’ve been hooked onto this song called superstar by the carpenters. it’s pretty old, but i feel super sad when i hear the song. it’s just so… beautiful. hauntingly beautiful.

please please let something interesting happen tomorrow.


fmylife man

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